The industrialised world is currently experiencing a crisis of the technological and economic systems, deeper and more extended than any in the last 500 years of the history of our planet. In fact, the model sees 90% of the planet’s resources (in terms of knowledge, patents, know-how and technology) in the hands of only 17% of its population. And it’s irremediably crumbling.
A crisis that started showing its symptoms starting from 1991, as Jaques Delors pointed out, and that is affecting mainly the major industrialised countries and that calls for questioning an entire development model.
The economic indicators, along with the climate change and the depletion of vital resources, require redesigning the foundations of a new civilisation, in which economic growth is not be inevitably related to the destruction of the natural, human and cultural development of vast areas of the planet.
The European Union has set itself a challange that certainly looks extraordinary: to become by 2020 the world leader in the field of bio-economy.
A deep and in many ways painful transformation is required in our technological and economic systems; fractures, losses, and dismantling of old industrial production systems, must be guided with courage without giving up to the principles of inclusion and social cohesion.
A great challenge to which each member state will have to participate by doing its own part.
For a ‘Resource efficient, green and competitive Europe” there is the need to overcome the traditional divisions between environment, energy, economy, competitiveness and innovation policies and to move beyond the boundary of the waste recovery for heading quickly towards the life cycle of materials, managed in such a way that they provide the services we need, without irreversibly damaging our ecosystems.
ARTES is committed since the end of the ’90s in promoting a strategy of ‘smart innovation’, ie competitive development, founded at the same time on a serious investment in tangible and intangible infrastructure of advanced research in biotechnology and on the related exploitation of its vast natural, historical and cultural resources.
With a deep knowledge of the policies and funding instruments, promoter of the nzymes4future network, which brings together research laboratories in biotechnology and design institutes, ARTES has gathered a unique know-how in the design, implementation and project management of bio-region specialising in bio economy and creative industry (from the design and construction of bio fibres and organic materials for fashion industry, tourism, catering, multimedia production, to the identification of models of governance of critical resources for green economy: energy, environment, water, …).
We offer design, implementation and project management of bio-region specializing on bio economy and on creative industry