CALPARK – Calabria Science and Technology Park


The project involves the training of project managers and aim at relocating/creating human resource with a common set of skill and competences, and specialised on Technological R&D in the three thematic areas of the innovation projects of the Calabria Science and Technology Park. Namely:

  • Cooperation research-firms for the creation of new and innovative firms
  • Experimentation of innovative services for software developing firms
  • Experimentation of an innovative system enhancing the competitiveness of agri-business firms.

For the realisation of the projects for the refocusing of human resource, ARTES and partners adopted a model of “engineering of training projects” articulated in phases.

The first phase concerned the identification of the expected skills, based on the international studies about the expectations of the productive system in terms of development and transfer of knowledge, but also keeping in mind the strategic aims of the three aforementioned research programs, and the specificity and needs of the local productive systems. Thanks to this accurate analysis, the two professional figures object of the training project were found.

  • Mentor of innovative processes for PMI, addressing young newly graduated yet to be introduced in the firms involved  in the Park’s innovation projects, with the aim of specialising them in the analysis of needs/opportunities of the technological innovation, in the diffusion of innovation, in the support to project planning, implementation  and management of innovation processes, from a technical and economic/financial standpoint.
  • Innovation technology operator, thought for the further training of the professionals already working in the Park to the required technological/scientific skills and methodologies required by the innovation projects, and preparing them for the application of the technologies and their compatibility with the firms’ processes and markets.

During the second phase it was developed a set of instruments for the identification of the gap between existing and required competences, as well as the expected basic requirements of the young graduates applying for the training, and therefore also the guidelines for the selection interview.

The third phase focused on the your newly graduates. The specialised action concerned exclusively the creation of evaluation tools for the inclinations and basic skills. The work consisted in the analysis of the map of technical, cross-sectorial skills, the inclinations and the basic skills, and in the shaping an interview able to spot inclination and critical skills. These interviews allowed the creation of both the shortlist of candidates and their profiling: these informations contributed substantially to the planning of the training model.

The fourth and last phase finally saw the planning and implementation of the training model for both the professional profiles.

La quarta ed ultima fase ha visto, infine, la progettazione ed implementazione del modello formativo per entrambe le figure professionali.


The project has a double aim:

  • Adjusting the professional profiles already existent in the infrastructures involved in the Park’s innovation projects.
  • Training young graduates as “enterprise tutors”.

The activity of research and refocusing allowed to engineer the planning model as well as to realise the training projects.

The first path involved a 200 hours basic course for all the participants, followed by specialised units of 480hours for each scientific-technological area and chosen according to the different innovation projects. This training was not traditional, rather focused on placing the trainees side by side with senior staff operating in research and knowledge transfer, and involving them in workshop and seminars, even international ones, about the technologies concerning their training.

The second training path, was structured in three phases for a total of 1920 hours:

  • Basic course (5 months, 800 hours), focused on the understanding of firm dynamics through the assimilation of theoretical models and tools.
  • Internship (2 months, 320 hours) for specific innovation projects.
  • Specialised Training (6 months, 320 hours of side by side working and seminars, 480 of integration to employment) with deeper insights on the single projects and the development of the skills needed to effectively interact with the firms. Realisation by the trainees of marketing plans and transfer of the results obtained by the innovation projects thanks to a targeting of the more profitable consumer/user base, starting from the experience of the pioneer firms.

Moreover, the participants of the training programs had the chance to be trainees for excellency firms, research institutes and institutions in Italy and in Europe. Among those, OECD and European Community. After these experiences, the trainees found occupation in positions related to their background, like the Park itself.


Former MURST, Ministry of Univerisity and Technological and Scientific Research

European Fund for Regional Development 

CALPARK Consortium, Calabria Science and Technology Park

Avanzamento progetto