All across Europe, in the rural regions and in all other areas where the industrial sector is declining, small and micro enterprises are the engine of the economic system. In order to merge an increase in the competitiveness of the firms and the social cohesion of the territories, it is necessary to get over the traditional emergency approach for solving firm crises and to create a new culture of change.
The Regards Croisés project intended to develop the small firms’ ability of anticipating change and to guide them through the evolution of economy and society, in order to prepare them to stand every future challenges.
The aim of the project is to trigger a continuous leaning process – on a local, regional, national and european level – by using a research-action methodology, that would allow to actively engage with the primary actors in the areas of territorial development and in the creation of a culture of change.
Commissione Europea
DG Occupazione e Affari sociali – FSE, Art. 6 Azioni innovatrici
All the entities that, because of their nature or their activity, are involved in the processes of reconstruction of the labour market and in supporting the small and micro enterprises located in rural and/or industrial decline areas. Small and medium enterprises, consortia of firms, firm services, SME consultancy services, education centres, unions, employers associations, experts, researchers, local, regional and national public administrations, technology parks and clusters of innovation for enterprises.
The project, active between 2004 and 2006, lead to the publication, by Artes, of “Anticipating the change – Micro enterprises and territory” (Italian version in the attachments), a book that presents effective and innovative frameworks for improving small firms’ abilities of anticipating change and in facing the issues of reorganising labour.